A Look into Latin America


A history education that only focuses on the students’ nation’s history has been proven to lead to isolationist ways of thinking. It produces a me-versus-them mentality. The best way to combat this ignorance is with unbiased, well-rounded, and accessible education. That is why for my last project as a Communications Design major at Pratt, my thesis, I wanted to make a week-long, comprehensive lesson plan for middle schoolers that focuses on the history of Latin America complete with accessible resources. I wanted to approach the topic in a way that is less Eurocentric than the current curriculum we see in modern American middle schools.

It was equally important to me to make sure this lesson plan was expansive enough while also being short enough to easily incorporate into the already jam-packed school year. Everyone deserves the ability to access education and I wanted to make sure that everything I made for this project remained that way. In conjunction with the daily readings being available directly on this website, there are handouts and a workbook available for order at request! A Look into Latin America is more than ready to make its way into your classroom.

A Look Into Latin America:
The Workbook and Worksheets

A Look Into Latin America:
The Website

A Look Into Latin America:
Illustrated Gifs




Art Direction & Photography